Happy Birthday Taylor, Jalen & Courtney
We had a birthday party for Taylor, Jalen & Courtney on Sunday! Taylor turned 19 on July 12th and the twins will be 15 on July 17th! Stacy, Tyler and Papa Scott were able to come over and help us celebrate. Taylor's girlfriend Alana's birthday was Sunday too! Happy birthday Alana!
We had BBQ burgers and hot dogs. It was a really hot day, so we had root beer floats instead of cake for dessert. Of course there were cupcakes too!
Taylor will be moving into his new apartment on Wednesday. My baby boy is all grown up. For his birthday present, we got him some new dishes for his apartment. It looks like Taylor will be having some fabulous tea parties with his new dishes. Ha ha...yeah right..Who am I kidding. At least he has his pinky up...He's so proper.
I can't believe how fast the girls are growing up. They have been studying to take their drivers permit test. They are going to be sophomores in the fall. Life goes really fast! *Big Sigh*
Chloe was ready to PARTY!!
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Happy Birthday to everyone!
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