We had Allie's pictures done at Moutainbrook Studios a few weeks ago and we got the proofs back yesterday! Only 1 word comes to mind immediately..... GORGEOUS!
I'm gushing with pride today! I want to show them to everyone! With every senior event that takes place with Allie, I'm feeling the little pings of sadness that she will be graduating this year. Life moves so fast, so it's important to try and slow it down and enjoy moments like this.
Also, she is a "rep" for this studio. This means that we get a discount on our portrait package if she gets some of her friends to go there.
She is beautiful!
The top one is my favorite.
She is absolutely stunnenly beautiful (she must be apart of the family. Just kidding ) Tell allie cat that Tawny bear says to stop growing up stay young its so much more fun. LEt her know I love her and miss her.
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